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A System for the Automatic Serial Generation and E-Mailing of Business Letters (CROSBI ID 532866)

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Stjepan Vidačić ; Stjepan Dvorski A System for the Automatic Serial Generation and E-Mailing of Business Letters // INFORMATION AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS 2007 PROCEEDINGS / Aurer, B. ; Bača, M. (ur.). Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2007. str. 171-176-x

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Stjepan Vidačić ; Stjepan Dvorski


A System for the Automatic Serial Generation and E-Mailing of Business Letters

Internet technology has become an irreplaceable means of operative, simple, fast, and cheap communication in the world of business. Having recognized the importance of such communication, the software industry has developed a number of well-known programmatic solutions to the organization and optimization of the e-mail system in a business establishment. Each of those systems is a solution per se and, apart from being costly in terms of their professional use, they are difficult to be installed within an automated context of standard business applications as part of the information system of an enterprise. On the other hand, business systems are in great need of standardized e-mail systems, precisely in the context of standard business applications, and that is most often impossible due to lack of those applications. This problem is particularly manifested in the processes of serial generation and sending of formalized business letters to a large number of e-mail addresses (batch e-mailing), which are expected to be fully automated. This paper defines some of the possible sets of business letters (e-mail letters) that require application of a batch e-mailing system. It provides an analysis of the existing programmatic solutions and puts forth a hypothesis that a full automatization of this process is possible and imperative at the level of business applications, which will then ensure significant reduction of business costs. The hypothesis proposed in this paper has been proved by developing a method that enables full automatization of the serial sending of business letters (batch e-mailing) on the level of business application. This renders possible setting of a new standard for business applications intended for business e-mailing. This new standard is not based on the common and unpractical e-mailing system on the level of OS Windows (Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express), but on a practical command line e-mailing system built in the business application.

business communication; business e-mailing; business applications; batch e-mailing; command line e-mailing

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Aurer, B. ; Bača, M.

Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


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IIS-Information and Intelligent Systems Conference 2007



Varaždin, Hrvatska

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Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti