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Influence of macro-strain during heat treatment on the choice of wear protection procedure (CROSBI ID 533524)

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Marušić, Vlatko ; Krumes, Dragomir ; Marušić, Sanja Influence of macro-strain during heat treatment on the choice of wear protection procedure // Annals of DAAAM for 2007 & Proceedings of the 18th International DAAAM symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation : Focus on Creativity, Responsibility and Ethics of Engineers" / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). Beč: DAAAM International Vienna, 2007. str. --x

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Marušić, Vlatko ; Krumes, Dragomir ; Marušić, Sanja


Influence of macro-strain during heat treatment on the choice of wear protection procedure

Beside the hard surface layer, all machine elements that are subjected to wear should have the appropriate, isually very high geometrical precision, and in some cases small surface roughness. Rherefore, surface wear resistance of induction hardened C60E and 16MnCr5 case hardened at effective depth of 1, 2 mm was tested. The testing was performed on the friction and wear tsting device that uses disc-pedals, in the chamber, with oil lubrication and the addition of SiO2. It was pointed out that macro-strain might occur during case hardening of some elements. It is questionable whether more than 0, 2 mm should be added for final machining after case hardening.

induction hardening; case hardening; depth of layer; wear resistance

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18th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Creativity, Responsibility, and Ethics of Engineers"



Zadar, Hrvatska

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