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Repetitive order of appearance of Larger Foraminifera in the ecological gradients preserved in Paleogene shallow benthic carbonate deposits (CROSBI ID 471564)

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Drobne, Katica ; Ćosović, Vlasta Repetitive order of appearance of Larger Foraminifera in the ecological gradients preserved in Paleogene shallow benthic carbonate deposits // Tertiary to Recent Larger Foraminifera. Their Depositional Environments and Importance as Petroleum reservoirs / Thompson, Peter R. (ur.). London : Delhi: Kingston University, 1998. str. 10-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Drobne, Katica ; Ćosović, Vlasta


Repetitive order of appearance of Larger Foraminifera in the ecological gradients preserved in Paleogene shallow benthic carbonate deposits

The shallow carbonate platforms of the central Tethys, exemplified by the Adriatic platform, are particularly expressed to sealevel rise and fall corresponding to the sedimentary sequences of the Paleogene. These cycles, by their repetition, constitute a kind of natural experiment allowing us to test the behaviour of communities in on ecological gradient covering the uephotic zone. In this gradient, the communities of larger K-strategist foraminifera are substituted according to fixed rules: agglutinated conical forms appear first, are gradually replaced by porcelaneous forms, subsequently by nummulitids and assilinids and finally by discocyclinids and "operculinids".Thus, the euphotic zone can be subdivided into 4 depth subzones.

Larger Foraminifera; Paleogene; Central Tethys

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Thompson, Peter R.

London : Delhi: Kingston University

Podaci o skupu

Conference - Workshop - Field Trip Tertiary to recent Larger Foraminifera. Their Depositional Environments and Importance as Petroleum Reservoirs

pozvano predavanje


London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

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