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Mobile Visitor Information System on Available Accommodation Capacity (CROSBI ID 535507)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Dukić, Branimir ; Ružić, Drago ; Katić, Miroslav Mobile Visitor Information System on Available Accommodation Capacity // ITI ... / Lužar-Stiffler, V., Hljuz Dobrić, V. (Eds.) (ur.). 2007. str. 101-105

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Dukić, Branimir ; Ružić, Drago ; Katić, Miroslav


Mobile Visitor Information System on Available Accommodation Capacity

Market transparency is one of the key success factors in the hospitality industry. Foreign visitors rely less and less on the services of tourist agencies, whereas travelling in organized groups to predetermined destinations is not as popular as it used to be. Modern tourists, especially younger population, increasingly choose their holiday destinations at the last moment, travelling on their own, frequently like nomads who change the resort several times during their holiday, and thus also their accommodation. In such conditions, especially in high season during summer, when accommodation occupancy rates are very high, efforts should be made to help the visitors find adequate lodging. Given the ubiquity of mobile phones which allow digital exchange of data, they can be easily used in conjunction with other information and communication technology to solve the problem of transparency for accommodation capacities. To do this, a simple system of digital exchange of data between visitors i.e. mobile phone users and the system for recording available accommodation could be developed and put to use

Tourism; SMS; Web and walk; Information and communication technology; Database design

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Lužar-Stiffler, V., Hljuz Dobrić, V. (Eds.)

Zagreb: Sveučilišni računski centar Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Srce)



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29th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces



Cavtat, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Ekonomija, Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti