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The possibility of using peen-forming process in the new generation vessels prodution (CROSBI ID 535567)

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Markovina, Roko ; Blagojević, Branko ; Ban, Dario The possibility of using peen-forming process in the new generation vessels prodution // Conference sur grenillage / Niku-Lari, Abas (ur.). Pariz: International Institute for Technology Transfer (i.i.t.t.), 2008

Podaci o odgovornosti

Markovina, Roko ; Blagojević, Branko ; Ban, Dario


The possibility of using peen-forming process in the new generation vessels prodution

Shot-peening is a widespread surface treatment method used to improve fatigue and stress corrosion resistance of many metals. From that technology the peen-forming method has emerged and has replaced traditional forming methods on many aircraft types, allowing wing designs to maximise strength to weight ratios. The new generation of high-speed ships and boats use similar hull construction and lightweight building materials as aircraft industry, such as different aluminium alloys, which indicates that shot-peening and peen-forming methods could be introduced in shipbuilding industry. This paper describes peen-forming technology which is rarely present in shipbuilding, shows why the peen-forming should be considered as an important ship production method that may replace more costly and complex forming technologies, and concludes that peen forming will have a significant role in the future of shipbuilding of fast and high-speed vessels.One solution for shaping those parts can be derived from the shot-peening technological process. It is a low-cost process used for hardening surface and improving the fatigue resistance of many different materials, including high-strength steels, titanium alloys, aluminium alloys and other engineering alloys.

peen-forming; shot-peening; high-speed ships; technology transfer

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Niku-Lari, Abas

Pariz: International Institute for Technology Transfer (i.i.t.t.)

Podaci o skupu

Shot-peening Conference

pozvano predavanje


Pariz, Francuska

Povezanost rada

Brodogradnja, Strojarstvo