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Brain antioxidant capacity in rat models of betacytotoxic-induced experimental sporadic Alzheimer’ s disease and diabetes mellitus. (CROSBI ID 536436)

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Tahirovic, Ismet ; Sofic, Emin ; Sapcanin, Aida ; Bah-Rojecky, Lidija ; Salkovic-Petrisic, Melita ; Lackovic, Zdravko ; Hoyer, Siegfried ; Riederer, Peter Brain antioxidant capacity in rat models of betacytotoxic-induced experimental sporadic Alzheimer’ s disease and diabetes mellitus. // J Neural Transm / Riederer, Peter (ur.). Beč: Springer, 2007. str. DP-03-10-DP-03-10

Podaci o odgovornosti

Tahirovic, Ismet ; Sofic, Emin ; Sapcanin, Aida ; Bah-Rojecky, Lidija ; Salkovic-Petrisic, Melita ; Lackovic, Zdravko ; Hoyer, Siegfried ; Riederer, Peter


Brain antioxidant capacity in rat models of betacytotoxic-induced experimental sporadic Alzheimer’ s disease and diabetes mellitus.

Objective. Adult, 2-4 months old Wistar rats were used throughout the study. The initial samples consisted of 35 rats treated with ST, TG and controls (C) were used. In all experiments including those with diabetes induction all animals were kept on standardized food pellets and water ad libitum. Peripheral application of high doses of streptozotocin (STZ) produce experimental diabetes mellitus. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of STZ and thioglucose (TG) on the antioxidant capacities of rat brain hippocampus (HPC), cerebellum (CB) and brain stem (BS). Methods. Antioxidant capacity in the supernatants was measured using oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. Results. The results showed that ORAC against hydroxyl radical in HPC of treated rats for 3 months with TG, and TG+STZ decreased significantly in comparison with C. Furthermore, ORAC against peroxyl radical in HPC of treated rats with TG decreased significantly iin comparison with C. We found, also that hydroxyl radical in CB and BS of treated rats for 12 weeks with TG, and TG+STZ decreased significantly in comparison with C. Conclusion. The upregulation of antioxidant systems in the various brain regions (HPC, CB and BS) of treated rats with TG and TG+STZ were found.

Antioxidant Capacity; Streptozotocin; Brain; Alzheimer's Disease; Diabetes Mellitus

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Riederer, Peter

Beč: Springer

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39th International Danube Symposium and the 1st International Congress on ADHD



Würzburg, Njemačka

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Temeljne medicinske znanosti