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Angiolipoma of suprasellar region- a case report (CROSBI ID 536487)

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Kolenc D. ; Žarković K. ; Jednačak H. ; Paladino J. Angiolipoma of suprasellar region- a case report // Virchows archiv. 2007. str. 240-240

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Kolenc D. ; Žarković K. ; Jednačak H. ; Paladino J.


Angiolipoma of suprasellar region- a case report

Angiolipomas are benign mesenchymal neoplasms. The forearm is the most common site, followed by the trunk and upper arm. Within the craniospinal axis, angiolipomas are extremely rare, and almost all have been found in the spinal extradural space. Here we present two patients with suprasellar and sellar angiolipoma.Patient 1 – A 53-year-old man presented to neurologist six months before initial neurological evaluation with sudden intensive headache, vertigo and deficit in lower part of visual field. Magnetic resonance imaging disclosed an expansive process in pituitary gland that was isointense compared to brain tissue on T1-weighted images, whereas T2-weighted images and the gadolinium enhanced T1-weighted images showed a strongly hyperintense, homogeneous lesion. Patient 2 – A 49-year-old woman was admitted to hospital because of intensive headache, fatigue, vertigo and visual deficit. Magnetic resonance showed an expansive process within sellar region extending to the adjacent cavernous sinus. T1 and T2-weighted and the gadolinium enhanced images were identical to Patient's 1. Paraffin embadded tumors of both patients were examined by staining section with hematoxylin and eosin and with Mallory, and immunohistochemistry method with vimentin and actin. Light microscopy revealed a very vascular tumor composed of dilated capillaries and mature adipose tissue. Vessels were composed somewhere of only flattened single layer of endothelial cells (sore vessels) and others showed a few layers of smooth muscle cells. Interstitium consisted of mature adipose tissue with mast cells and collagenous stroma. Angiolipomas represent mesenchymal hamartomas composed of abnormal blood vessels and mature adipose tissue. These tumors are extremely rare within craniospinal axis. According to the literature, only four patients have been reported with angiolipoma in suprasellar and sellar region.

angiolipoma; spinal extradural space; mesenchymal hamartomas; adipose tissue; suprasellar region; sellar region

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Berlin : Heidelberg: Springer


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21st European Congres of Pathology



Istanbul, Turska

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