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Financial Reporting in Croatian SMEs and Large Entities – Comparative Analysis (CROSBI ID 537577)

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Mamić Sačer, Ivana ; Tušek, Boris ; Žager, Lajoš Financial Reporting in Croatian SMEs and Large Entities – Comparative Analysis // X. Congreso Internacional Sobre Innovaciones en Docencia e Investigación en Ciencias Económico Administrativas & International Research Conference Fór Accounting Educators. Mexico City, 2007

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Mamić Sačer, Ivana ; Tušek, Boris ; Žager, Lajoš


Financial Reporting in Croatian SMEs and Large Entities – Comparative Analysis

One of the fields that are important, not only for Croatian economy, but also for European and world economy consideration is the field of financial reporting. This paper presents comparative analysis of existing regulative in field of financial reporting for small, medium-sized and large entities. Because of differences in characteristics of entities, there are some differences in financial reporting framework for small and medium sized entities by comparison with large entities. Authors compare a structure of financial reporting framework for SMEs and large entities in Croatia and make comparative analysis of Croatian and world perspectives in that field. Furthermore they also give basic characteristics of rules which regulate financial statements’ audit. Authors stress entities with an obligation for financial statement audit from the others who have not this obligation. This paper is a significant source for learning specifics of international accounting and differences in SMEs and large entities reporting.

financial reporting; small; medium and large entities; comparative analysis

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X. Congreso Internacional Sobre Innovaciones en Docencia e Investigación en Ciencias Económico Administrativas & International Research Conference Fór Accounting Educators



Mexico City, Meksiko

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