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Flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes in fattening chickens immunized with live or inactivated vaccines against Newcastle disease (CROSBI ID 538840)

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Balenović, Mirta ; Popović, Maja ; Savić, Vladimir ; Ekert Kabalin, Anamaria ; Valpotić Ivica Flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes in fattening chickens immunized with live or inactivated vaccines against Newcastle disease // World's poultry science journal / Tserveni-Goussi, A. ; Yannakopoulos, A. ; Fortomaris, P. et al. (ur.). 2008. str. 564-566

Podaci o odgovornosti

Balenović, Mirta ; Popović, Maja ; Savić, Vladimir ; Ekert Kabalin, Anamaria ; Valpotić Ivica


Flow cytometric analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes in fattening chickens immunized with live or inactivated vaccines against Newcastle disease

The effects of vaccination against Newcastle disease (ND) with different vaccine types on immune responses in poultry have been little studied. The objective of this study was to determine differences, if any, in the proportion of CD45+ leukocytes in the peripheral blood of fattening chickens following vaccination with either a live La Sota vaccine or an inactivated vaccine against ND. At Day 7, 14 and 21 following vaccination the values of CD45+ cells were significantly increased in chickens from both vaccinated groups (p< 0.01) as compared to unvaccinated control chickens. The chickens vaccinated with a live vaccine against ND had significantly higher count of CD45+ cells (p< 0.01 at Day 7 and 21 and p<0.05 at Day 14) than did the chickens that received inactivated vaccine. Within both vaccinated groups there were statistically significant increase (p<0.01) in count of CD45+ cells at the 21th day compared to the values established on 7th day of life. The immunological status of fattening chickens following their immunization with two types of vaccines against ND may be assessed by flow cytometry, and accordingly the immunogenicity of vaccine candidate strains could be validated.

Flow cytometry; CD45 cells; vaccine; Newcastle disease; chickens

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Tserveni-Goussi, A. ; Yannakopoulos, A. ; Fortomaris, P. ; Arsenos, G. ; Sossidou, E

Solun: University Studio Press



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1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA



Porto Carras, Grčka

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Veterinarska medicina
