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State enumeration approach in reliability sssesment of the eastern Croatia bulk power system (CROSBI ID 472195)

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Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac Damir ; Štević, Branko State enumeration approach in reliability sssesment of the eastern Croatia bulk power system // IEEE International Conference on Electric Power Engineering (PowerTECH '99) : proceedings / Ban, Gabor (ur.). Budimpešta: IEEE Service Center, 1999. str. 138-144-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Nikolovski, Srete ; Šljivac Damir ; Štević, Branko


State enumeration approach in reliability sssesment of the eastern Croatia bulk power system

As an introduction to reliability assessment of a power system, the paper deals with the state enumeration approach in computation of the reliability indices. Markov state-space model of power system reliability components. is highlighted afterwards. The possibilities of COMREL (COMposite RELiability) computer program used for all computations are represented. The conditional probability evaluation technique as a concept for calculation of reliability indices is explained. In addition, the results of the performed reliability assessment of the bulk power system of Eastern Croatia are discussed

reliability; state enumeration approach; Markov model; computer program; conditional probability technique; bulk power system

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Ban, Gabor

Budimpešta: IEEE Service Center

Podaci o skupu

IEEE International Conference on Electric Power Engineering



Budimpešta, Mađarska

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