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Air Traffic Management Reform in South Eastern Europe (CROSBI ID 539623)

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Mihetec, Tomislav ; Božičević, Ana ; Steiner, Sanja Air Traffic Management Reform in South Eastern Europe // 11th International Conference on Transport Science Transport Policy, Conference Proceedings / Zanne, Marina ; Fabjan, Daša ; Jenček, Peter (ur.). Portorož: Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet Univerza v Ljubljani, 2008. str. 1-8

Podaci o odgovornosti

Mihetec, Tomislav ; Božičević, Ana ; Steiner, Sanja


Air Traffic Management Reform in South Eastern Europe

In the forth coming period European air traffic management – ATM, will handle double flight operations then today – from 1.7 to 2.1 higher traffic level in 2025 then in 2005, generating extra capacity, sustaining high level of safety, complying the environment related requirements and decreasing the prices of air traffic service. Optimal usage of airspace will be achieved by introducing a new concept of ATC management, implicating structural revision of all ATM processes. Encouraged by the Single European Sky project, and through airspace defragmentation, numerous projects have been initiated by Eurocontrol in cooperation with European Commission, where one of them is implementation of South Eastern Europe Functional Airspace Block within SESAR modernization programme of EATM. The implementation of regulatory, institutional and legal framework of SEE FAB, would ensure expansion of European air traffic market on south-east Europe, counting over 500 millions potential users. Croatia and all the other countries in the SEE region would have to adjust their national legislation with European Union transport acquis.

Air Transport; Air Traffic Management; Functional Airspace Block; South East Europe; Air Traffic Routes

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Zanne, Marina ; Fabjan, Daša ; Jenček, Peter

Portorož: Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet Univerza v Ljubljani


Podaci o skupu

11th International Conference on Transport Science Transport Policy



Portorož, Slovenija

Povezanost rada

Tehnologija prometa i transport