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Time optimal control of a Nonminimum Phase System (CROSBI ID 472257)

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Strah, Bruno ; Borović, Bruno ; Mavrin, Mario Time optimal control of a Nonminimum Phase System // 41st International Symposium Proceedings Electronics in Marine / Radanović, Božidar ; Jerič, Viljem (ur.). Zadar: Society Electronics in Marine, 1999. str. 266-270-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Strah, Bruno ; Borović, Bruno ; Mavrin, Mario


Time optimal control of a Nonminimum Phase System

The time optimal control of a discrete system is described in the paper. The polynomial equation approach is used. In general this method can be applied for MIMO systems control. The example given in the paper is a nonminimum phase SISO system. The described example represents the power dynamics system. The simulation results of the system controlled by the calculated signal are given. The posibility for solving the problem with limiting the maximum apsolute value of the control signal is commented.

polynomial equation approach; time optimal control

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Radanović, Božidar ; Jerič, Viljem

Zadar: Society Electronics in Marine

Podaci o skupu

41st International Symposium Electronics in Marine



Zadar, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
