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Strategies for utilisation of forest biomass in the Republic of Croatia by 2030 (CROSBI ID 472294)

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Domac, Julije ; Risović, S. ; Sever, S. Strategies for utilisation of forest biomass in the Republic of Croatia by 2030 // Emerging Harvesting Issues in Technology Transition at the End of Century / Horvat, Dubravko (ur.). Rijeka, 1999. str. 97-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Domac, Julije ; Risović, S. ; Sever, S.


Strategies for utilisation of forest biomass in the Republic of Croatia by 2030

Strategy for the development of energy sector of the Republic of Croatia encompasses the period until 2030, focusing on improvement in energy efficiency as its primary objective. The increase in efficiency of the utilisation of forest biomass offers a direct and, as far costs are concerned, one of the most acceptable ways the environment can be affected. With its 43,5% of the forestland and about a third od afforested land area in the total state area, the Republic of Croatia is one of the countries with a more significant percentage of forests per capita. The total wood supply in Croatia amounts to 324 256 million m^3. What has just been said guarantees a possibility for a bigger share of forest biomass in total energy balance. In 1995, in the total technical potential (39,059 PJ) the share of forest biomass amounted to 24,840 PJ or 63,59%. Formerly conducted researches indicate that additional potential of biomass of forest origin, the use of which requires fulfilment of certain prerequisites, amounts to 10,800 PJ or 98,13%. It has been estimated that the share of forest biomass as potential energy source in the Republic of Croatia might by 2025 come to 58 PJ, due to afforestation and regular activities in Croatian forests, stipulated by economic policies. While recognising teh energy needs of the Republic of Croatia, forasts, as conditionally renewable source of biological matter may be continuous resource of fuelwood - teh primary energy. The strategy for the energy source development in the Republic of Croatia recognises forest biomass as the most important renewable source of energy, next to big hydroelectric power stations. Recent researches conducted in the first half of 1999 confirm what has just been stated. The increased production of energy from forest biomass, apart from already known and proven ways of uses and technologies, theoretical bases and experimental proofs, could on the long run contribute to: the increase in the production of energy from forest biomass; the improvement of energy efficiency; the decrease in teh import of energy sources; teh safety of supply; a significant decrease in teh impact energy sectro has on environment; new jobs and investments into state welfare sector; teh development of legislture bases and stimulating measures; creation of image and its factors accompanying combustion for an individual energy unit, place or wider. Experiences of the developed countries have shown that it is necessary to create one's own energy policy, as a response to the demands for the development of a new economics system in energy sector. Still, experiences of the developed countries in the utilisation of forest biomass, even of those countries which have a well designed energy policy, can only be used as assistance in our search for the most favourable solutions.

strategy; forest biomass; wood surplus; protection of environment; bioenergy power plant; energy efficiency

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Horvat, Dubravko


Podaci o skupu

Emerging Harvesting Issues in Technology Transition at the End of Century



Opatija, Hrvatska

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