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A Compact Parameterization for Shape Optimization of Aerofoils (CROSBI ID 541168)

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Vučina, Damir ; Lozina, Željan ; Pehnec, Igor A Compact Parameterization for Shape Optimization of Aerofoils // World Congress on Engineering 2008 Proceedings / Iaeng (ur.). London : Delhi: International Association of Engineers, 2008. str. 111-116

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Vučina, Damir ; Lozina, Željan ; Pehnec, Igor


A Compact Parameterization for Shape Optimization of Aerofoils

As shape parameterization defines the design variables for the optimization of some object (geometric knowledge representation), it is very important to apply parameterizations with a low number of control points in order to reduce the dimensionality of the search space. A parameterization for 2D and 3D geometries based on piecewise Bezier curves and surfaces is proposed here. The requested C1 inter- segment continuity is accomplished by automatically generating additional control points without increasing the number of optimization variables. The computational procedure takes the initially given complex surface or points cloud (2D or 3D), adaptively splits the domain into 2D or 3D patches and iteratively tries to reduce the necessary number of control points while satisfying the requested modeling accuracy. This adaptive parameterization procedure can serve as a geometric data-set compression utility and fits well into evolutionary optimization.

Geometry parameterization; piecewise Bezier patches; shape optimization; aerofoils and blades

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London : Delhi: International Association of Engineers


Podaci o skupu

International Conference of Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems- World Congress on Engineering



London, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

Povezanost rada

Strojarstvo, Temeljne tehničke znanosti