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Human P450 Metabolism Database ; (CROSBI ID 750783)

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Rendić, Slobodan Human P450 Metabolism Database ; // Internet - web site: 1999.

Podaci o odgovornosti

Rendić, Slobodan


Human P450 Metabolism Database ;

This free, web-searchable, database contains a collection of information on human cytochrome P450 metabolism. Data collected from hundreds of references summarize many human cytochrome P450 reactions. The information is organized by enzyme, therapeutic area, chemical substance, reaction, and type (substrate, inhibitor, activator, or inducer). This database was created by Professor Slobodan Rendic. A related publication is: S. Rendic and F. Di Carlo, Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: A status report summarizing their reactions, substrates, inducers, and inhibitors, Drug Metabolism Reviews, vol. 29 (1, 2), 413-580, 1997.

Database; CYP; Cytochrome P450; drugs; chemicals; physiological compounds; interactions; biotransformation reactions

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