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Evaluation of brain activation by complex activation paradigm: functional TCD study in cross-validation with SPECT (CROSBI ID 542099)

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Lisak, Marijana ; Vodopić, Maro ; Bogoje, A. ; Trkanjec, Zlatko ; Demarin, Vida Evaluation of brain activation by complex activation paradigm: functional TCD study in cross-validation with SPECT // European journal of neurology / Lenzi, Gian Luigi ; Gil-Nagel, Antonio (ur.). 2008. str. 294-294

Podaci o odgovornosti

Lisak, Marijana ; Vodopić, Maro ; Bogoje, A. ; Trkanjec, Zlatko ; Demarin, Vida


Evaluation of brain activation by complex activation paradigm: functional TCD study in cross-validation with SPECT

Aim: The intention of the study was cross-validation of functional TCD with SPECT during complex activation paradigm in order to demonstrate that fTCD is non-invasive, reliable, easy-to-use, inexpensive method, which can be used as complementary tool in functional neuroimaging in comparison with SPECT which includes radiation exposure and is time-consuming. Methods: Bilateral simultaneous MCA monitoring of 60 healthy, right-handed subjects with fTCD was performed while the subjects underwent complex activation task-computer game, and the hemispheric blood flow velocity (BFV) increase was calculated. Identical stimulus and response patterns were used in the subgroup of 15 subjects, which underwent SPECT, and the hemispheric perfusion increase was calculated. Results: Statistical analysis showed significant correlation between fTCD and SPECT (r=0.5608 ; p=0.030 ; r2=0.3154) for: BFV in the right MCA during activation-measured with fTCD and relative right-sided perfusion increase-measured with 99mTc- HMPAO SPECT. Results suggest that both methods only partially measure same features related to brain activation in specific cortical areas. Statistically significant and proportional correlation between activation and baseline measurement results was found for both methods according to the side (p<0.001, respectively). Significant non-proportional correlation of relative increase was found for all (except for SPECT right-side relative increase) which suggests that a certain level of stability during activation was achieved and that activation paradigm was appropriately selected. Conclusions: Both methods succeeded in discriminating brain activation. Statistically significant increase of cerebral blood flow was detected by fTCD and SPECT (p<0.0001), suggesting that both methods are suitable for investigation of the close relationship between brain activity and cerebral blood flow.

fTCD; functional TCD; brain activation; SPECT

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Lenzi, Gian Luigi ; Gil-Nagel, Antonio

Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell


Podaci o skupu

12th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies



Madrid, Španjolska

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti
