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Information provision model within the Slavonia- Baranya tourism cluster based on potentials of modern mobile communication technology (CROSBI ID 542514)

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Dukić, Branimir ; Meler, Marcel Information provision model within the Slavonia- Baranya tourism cluster based on potentials of modern mobile communication technology // Proceedings and Abstracts of the International Innovation Conference for Co-operation Development (InCoDe) / Fojtik, Janos (ur.). Pečuh: University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics, 2008. str. 163-169

Podaci o odgovornosti

Dukić, Branimir ; Meler, Marcel


Information provision model within the Slavonia- Baranya tourism cluster based on potentials of modern mobile communication technology

In addition to material exchange within the Slavonia-Baranya tourism cluster, its proper functioning and survival requires fast data exchange. In today's turbulent conditions implies that huge amounts of data are generated. This in turn generates serious disturbances within decision making system, thus endangering the very functioning of the cluster. A possible solution lies in the potentials of digital data exchange provided by modern mobile communication technology. Its role is not to take over the function of data processing, but rather to provide a humanized, ergonomic and widely acceptable interface, thus substituting the computer as the interface.

cluster; tourism; mobile digital communication; Slavonia and Baranya; information system

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Fojtik, Janos

Pečuh: University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics


Podaci o skupu

International Innovation Conference for Co-operation Development (InCoDe)



Pečuh, Mađarska

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