Nalazite se na CroRIS probnoj okolini. Ovdje evidentirani podaci neće biti pohranjeni u Informacijskom sustavu znanosti RH. Ako je ovo greška, CroRIS produkcijskoj okolini moguće je pristupi putem poveznice
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The Fishing and Mariculture Industries (Croatia) (CROSBI ID 37624)

Prilog u knjizi | stručni rad

Glamuzina, Branko ; Dulčić, Jakov The Fishing and Mariculture Industries (Croatia) // A Climate for Change: Climate change and its impacts on society and economy in Croatia. Human Development Report, Croatia 2008. / Landau, Seth ; Legro, Susan ; Vlašić, Sandra (ur.). Zagreb: Program Ujedinjenih naroda za razvoj u Hrvatskoj (UNDP Hrvatska), 2009. str. 150-164

Podaci o odgovornosti

Glamuzina, Branko ; Dulčić, Jakov


The Fishing and Mariculture Industries (Croatia)

Croatia has a long history of fishing and mariculture and a coastline that is well suited for developing a modern industry in these areas. The fishery and mariculture in Croatia accounts for a small portion of the national Gross Value Added (GVA) – an average of 0.25% or around EUR 56 million in 2003 and 2004. Climate change and increasing temperatures may result in important impacts in the near future that will continue to challenge this industry. The abundance of marine fish populations is already showing significant fluctuation. These populations are also changing behaviour and migration patterns in the Adriatic. This all has implications for fish catches. The relationship between these fluctuations and large scale climate change is of great concern.

fishing, mariculture, climate change, impact, Croatia

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Podaci o knjizi

Landau, Seth ; Legro, Susan ; Vlašić, Sandra

Zagreb: Program Ujedinjenih naroda za razvoj u Hrvatskoj (UNDP Hrvatska)



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