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Transformation between JavaBeans and SaveComp software component models (CROSBI ID 352245)

Ocjenski rad | diplomski rad

Feljan, Juraj Transformation between JavaBeans and SaveComp software component models / Žagar, Mario (mentor); Zagreb, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, . 2008

Podaci o odgovornosti

Feljan, Juraj

Žagar, Mario


Transformation between JavaBeans and SaveComp software component models

Component-based software engineering (CBSE) is an approach where systems are built from preexisting software components. To ensure interoperability between components, component specifications conform to a particular component model. Many component models exist and there is often a need for transformation between two different component models. In this thesis the basic concepts of CBSE are described. Two component models are presented – JavaBeans and SaveCCM. A transformation between them is discussed and implemented.

component-based software engineering; transformation between component models; JavaBeans; SaveCCM

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Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva


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