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Načini določanja proračuna tržnega komuniciranja v podjetjih v Sloveniji (CROSBI ID 545957)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Jerman, Damjana ; Žabkar, Vesna ; Završnik, Bruno Načini določanja proračuna tržnega komuniciranja v podjetjih v Sloveniji // Znanje za trajnostni razvoj / Vladislav Rajkovič (ur.). Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2008. str. 894-901

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Jerman, Damjana ; Žabkar, Vesna ; Završnik, Bruno


Načini določanja proračuna tržnega komuniciranja v podjetjih v Sloveniji

Performing all marketing communications activities require financial resources. Different methods are available for establishing and allocating budgets for marketing communications. Companies consider different factors when establishing the promotional budget and they usually take into consideration the actual companies needs. Each company must develop its own model for allocation marketing communications budgets and consider the most relevant factors for the companies. The paper consists of theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part the framework and basic concepts for establishing the marketing communications budget is presented. The empirical analysis is based on the primary data collected. This paper presents the results of a study that examines approaches and allocation of marketing communications budgets in the sample of Slovenian companies.

proračun tržnega komuniciranja; podjetja v Sloveniji

nije evidentirano


Approaches and allocation of marketing communications budgets in the sample of Slovenian companies

nije evidentirano

marketing communications budgets; Slovenian companies

nije evidentirano

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Vladislav Rajkovič

Kranj: Moderna organizacija


Podaci o skupu

27th international conference on organizational science development



Portorož, Slovenija

Povezanost rada
