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Ceramic Tiles Failure Detection Based on FPGA Image Processing (CROSBI ID 547398)

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Hocenski, Željko ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Mijaković, Robert Ceramic Tiles Failure Detection Based on FPGA Image Processing // Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics- ISIE09. Seoul: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2009. str. 820-824

Podaci o odgovornosti

Hocenski, Željko ; Aleksi, Ivan ; Mijaković, Robert


Ceramic Tiles Failure Detection Based on FPGA Image Processing

This paper presents one method about automation of tile surface and texture diagnosis. Final stage of tile manufacturing deals with surface and edge defects detection, and is still not an automated part of production. We used computer visual diagnosis and FPGA-based embedded hardware digital design to classify tiles according to surface and edge defects. In order to reduce computing time, we used tile images from line camera and the FPGA embedded parallel image processing unit designed with VHDL.

Ceramic Tiles; defect detection; Image processing; FPGA

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Seoul: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

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IEEE ISIE 2009 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics



Seoul, Republika Koreja

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