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Transaction level control for application execution on the SegBus Platform (CROSBI ID 547451)

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Cristina Seceleanu ; Ivica Crnković Transaction level control for application execution on the SegBus Platform // 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Seattle, Washington. 2009. str. 1-6

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Cristina Seceleanu ; Ivica Crnković


Transaction level control for application execution on the SegBus Platform

We define here a simple, low level control procedure definition, to support application implementation on a particular multiprocessor platform, namely the SegBus segmented bus. The approach considers communication as data package transactions from one device to another. It takes into consideration the platform characteristics and requires details of application partitioning and mapping on platform resources. The dependency between operations are extracted from a SDFlike representation, and the actual control code is produced as “ application-dependent” VHDL code, grouped in so-called snippets, application and platform instance dependent. The obtained code is inserted in a specific section of a (segment or central level) arbiter. We illustrate the application of our approach on a small implementation example.

SegBus; transaction; execution control

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33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, IEEE, Seattle, Washington



Seattle (WA), Sjedinjene Američke Države

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