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Integration of Extra-Functional Properties in Component Models (CROSBI ID 547453)

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Séverine Sentilles ; Petr Stepan ; Jan Carlson ; Ivica Crnkovic Integration of Extra-Functional Properties in Component Models // 12th International Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2009), LNCS 5582. 2009. str. 1-18

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Séverine Sentilles ; Petr Stepan ; Jan Carlson ; Ivica Crnkovic


Integration of Extra-Functional Properties in Component Models

Management of extra-functional properties in component models is one of the main challenges in the component-based software engineering community. Still, the starting point in their management, namely their specification in a context of component models is not addressed in a systematic way. Extra-functional properties can be expressed as attributes (or combinations of them) of components, or of a system, but also as attributes of other elements, such as interfaces and connectors. Attributes can be defined as estimations, or can be measured, or modelled ; this means that an attribute can be expressed through multiple values valid under different conditions. This paper addresses how this diversity in attribute specifications and their relations to component model can be expressed, by proposing a model for attribute specifications and their integrations in component models. A format for attribute specification is proposed, discussed and analyzed, and the approach is exemplified through its integration both in the ProCom component model and its integrated development environment.

component model; non-functional properties; extra-functional properties

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12th International Symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2009), LNCS 5582



Sjedinjene Američke Države

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