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Collaboration between Industry and Research for the Introduction of Model-Driven Software Engineering in a Master Program (CROSBI ID 547689)

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Séverine Sentilles ; Florian Noyrit ; Ivica Crnkovic Collaboration between Industry and Research for the Introduction of Model-Driven Software Engineering in a Master Program // Educators Symposium at the 11th International Conference MODELS 2008. 2008. str. 75-80

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Séverine Sentilles ; Florian Noyrit ; Ivica Crnkovic


Collaboration between Industry and Research for the Introduction of Model-Driven Software Engineering in a Master Program

Teaching of model-driven software engineering in a software engineering master program curriculum suits well with the maturity of the students and their ability to understand the concept. Still the education might fail if the teaching is not based on convincing arguments and relations to the research or practice. We are about introducing a model-driven engineering course in our software engineering master curriculum and our goal is to relate the teaching with both research results and industrial practice. In this paper, we describe our approach – how to utilize the research results and how to relate the course to the requirements from industry we have cooperation with.

model-driven software engineering; software engineering master program; education; engineering course; industrial practice

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Educators Symposium at the 11th International Conference MODELS 2008



Toulouse, Francuska

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