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Using JavaBeans to Realize a Domain-Specific Component Model (CROSBI ID 547791)

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Feljan, Juraj ; Carlson, Jan ; Žagar, Mario Using JavaBeans to Realize a Domain-Specific Component Model // Proceedings of the 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications. 2009. str. 474-477

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Feljan, Juraj ; Carlson, Jan ; Žagar, Mario


Using JavaBeans to Realize a Domain-Specific Component Model

SaveCCM is a domain-specific component model developed specifically for safety-critical hard real-time embedded systems in the vehicular domain. This paper expands the scope of SaveCCM to make it usable also outside this narrow domain, as the general concepts behind SaveCCM are applicable for a wider range of embedded systems. We describe the extensions made to SaveCCM in order to adjust it to a broader scope, focusing on a new realization mechanism. In its original form, SaveCCM systems are realized by components being grouped and transformed into real-time tasks. We propose an alternative realization of SaveCCM - by transformation to JavaBeans, which makes the executable system more general and portable, and maintains the structure of the component-based design.

component-based software engineering; embedded systems; component model realization; SaveCCM; JavaBeans

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35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)



Patras, Grčka

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