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Optimizing Sequential Programs for Parallel Execution (CROSBI ID 548053)

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Martinović, Goran ; Krpić, Zdravko Optimizing Sequential Programs for Parallel Execution // Proceedings of 27th International Conference "Science in Practice" SiP 2009 / Kvasnicza, Zoltan ; Elmer, Georg ; Megyeri, Peter (ur.). Pečuh: Institute for Information Technology and Electrical Engineering of the University of Pécs Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, University of Pecs, 2009. str. 41-44

Podaci o odgovornosti

Martinović, Goran ; Krpić, Zdravko


Optimizing Sequential Programs for Parallel Execution

In engineering program implementations there is always need for more computer resources. The most common are applications which require lot of processor power or memory space. Generally, programs which are too demanding, even when fully optimized, often need too much of execution time. Thereby, in many cases is often better (cheaper) to optimize existing algorithm then to write a new one. Various data structures, loops and iterations can be parallelized efficiently without rewriting the whole program code. One of the major parallel library these days is MPI, because it's simple, platform independent and robust. In this article some of the most common parallelizing methods will be presented, so as their advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness and simplicity. This research will also cover situations where complete new program code is a better choice.

parallel computing; computer cluster; heterogeneous systems; MPI; load balancing

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kvasnicza, Zoltan ; Elmer, Georg ; Megyeri, Peter

Pečuh: Institute for Information Technology and Electrical Engineering of the University of Pécs Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, University of Pecs

Podaci o skupu

27th International Conference "Science in Practice" SiP 2009



Pečuh, Mađarska

Povezanost rada
