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Evaluation of risk factor for slope stability analysis (CROSBI ID 473109)

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Ansal, Atilla M. ; Zlatović, Sonja Evaluation of risk factor for slope stability analysis // Geotechnics for Developing Africa / Wardle, G.R. ; Blight, G.E. ; Fourie, A.B. (ur.). Rotterdam : Boston (MA) : Taipei: A.A. Balkema Publishers, 1999. str. 429-433-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ansal, Atilla M. ; Zlatović, Sonja


Evaluation of risk factor for slope stability analysis

Safety factors in geotechnical engineering, as in other fields of engineering, are utilized to assure sufficient safety against the uncertainity in the material properties and analysis methods. The values chosen for the safety factors depend on the available data and the engineering experience and may vary from one case to the other. In addition, safety factors do not reflect any information concerning the statistical distribution of the soil parameters and correspondin exceedance probabilities, thus yield no information about hte risk of failure. The purpose of this study is to take into account the variability of soil parameters to develop a relationship between safety factor and risk factor for the case of slope stability analysis. The risk factor is defined as the probability of slope failure. The proposed approach is demonstrated based on a slope stability analysis for a given embankment. The significance of the variability of soil parameters used in slope stability analisis was evaluated. A risk factor-safety factor relationship is developed assuming that the governing soil parameters are independent random variables. A multi-variant probability analysis is performed to obtain an optimum solution with respect to failure risk and additional cost of construction.

Slope stability; Analysis; Risk; Soil parameters; Safety factor

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Wardle, G.R. ; Blight, G.E. ; Fourie, A.B.

Rotterdam : Boston (MA) : Taipei: A.A. Balkema Publishers

Podaci o skupu

Twelfth regional conference for Africa on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering



Durban, Južnoafrička Republika

Povezanost rada
