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The effect of drying temperatures on the color, rehydration and chlorophyll content of asparagus (Asparagus maritimus L.) (CROSBI ID 549332)

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Planinić, Mirela ; Jokić, Stela ; Velić, Darko ; Bilić, Mate ; Bucić-Kojić, Ana ; Tomas, Srećko ; Lukinac, Jasmina ; Magdić, Damir The effect of drying temperatures on the color, rehydration and chlorophyll content of asparagus (Asparagus maritimus L.) // Book of Abstracts International Congress of Technologists for Post-harvest Technology Zrnko / Pliestić, S (ur.). Zagreb: Zavod za poljoprivrednu tehnologiju skladištenje i transport Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 108-109

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Planinić, Mirela ; Jokić, Stela ; Velić, Darko ; Bilić, Mate ; Bucić-Kojić, Ana ; Tomas, Srećko ; Lukinac, Jasmina ; Magdić, Damir


The effect of drying temperatures on the color, rehydration and chlorophyll content of asparagus (Asparagus maritimus L.)

Asparagus maritimus L. is a rare species growing in the Mediterranean region and is morphologically similar to A. officinalis. Green asparagus, as a healthy but perishable vegetable, is processed after harvest to prevent spoilage and minimize the deterioration of its physical and chemical quality. Similar to other vegetables, changes in color, chemical and textural properties of asparagus occur during thermal treatments, such as drying. The aim of the investigation was to examine the influence of different drying temperatures on the color quality, rehydration capability and chlorophyll content in green asparagus. Drying was performed in a pilot plant tray drier. The drying temperatures for asparagus samples have varied from 40°C, 50°C, 60°C and 70°C at airflow velocity of 2, 75 ms-1. Drying temperature has a significant effect on reducing the chlorophyll content (Chla 54-71%, Chlb 37-63%), rehydration coefficient and total color change of dried ( E* = 3, 3 12, 5) and rehydrated asparagus ( E* = 5, 1 7, 7).

asparagus; drying; color; rehydration; chlorophyll

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Pliestić, S

Zagreb: Zavod za poljoprivrednu tehnologiju skladištenje i transport Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


Podaci o skupu

"20th Croatian and 3rd International Congress of Technologists for Post-Harvest Technology ZRNKO 2008"



Stubičke Toplice, Hrvatska

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Prehrambena tehnologija