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Progression of atherosclerosis in patients treated by chronic hemodialysis (CROSBI ID 549426)

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Kovacic, Vedran ; Ljutic, Dragan ; Sain, Milenka ; Radic, Josipa ; Radic, Mislav ; Jelicic, Ivo Progression of atherosclerosis in patients treated by chronic hemodialysis // Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation. 2009

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kovacic, Vedran ; Ljutic, Dragan ; Sain, Milenka ; Radic, Josipa ; Radic, Mislav ; Jelicic, Ivo


Progression of atherosclerosis in patients treated by chronic hemodialysis

INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: End stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis (HD) have increased intima media thickness (IMT) of carotid artery. The aim of the study was to analyze the carotid IMT progression. METHODS: Fifty-two (19 females) patients on 5, 7 3, 3 years HD aged 60, 9 15, 5 years were investigated. Common carotid IMT were measured by 7.5 MHz ultrasound at the beginning of the study and prospectively after 15 months. RESULTS: It was found difference between IMT at the beginning and the end of the study (delta IMT)(0, 93 0, 17 vs.1, 03 0, 17 mm ; p<0, 001). DeltaIMT was correlated with low molecular weight heparin per HD/kg (r=0, 29 ; p=0, 036), serum A-amiloid concentration (r=0, 37 ; p=0, 009) and serum products of lipid peroxidation (FOX, Ferrous Oxidation Xylenol orange assay) (r=0, 31 ; p=0, 026). In a multiple regression model FOX was correlated with carotid deltaIMT (beta=0, 40 ; p=0, 015). Differences between nonstabile (delta IMT>0) and stabile atherosclerosis subjects (deltaIMT<=0) are demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated association between atheroslerosis progression and products of lipid peroxidation.

haemodialysis: complications; outcome; lipids; blood pressure

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World Congress of Nephrology 2009



Milano, Italija

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti
