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Mapping of Agricultural and Wood Biomass Potential in Croatia (CROSBI ID 549626)

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Ćosić, Boris ; Duić, Neven Mapping of Agricultural and Wood Biomass Potential in Croatia // Održivi razvoj i klimatske promene / Stefanović, Gordana ; Živković, Nenad (ur.). Niš, 2008. str. 185-189

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ćosić, Boris ; Duić, Neven


Mapping of Agricultural and Wood Biomass Potential in Croatia

In the time of increasing price of fossil fuels more and more countries are turning to the renewable resources of energy, especially to biomass, for production of heat and electricity. Biomass fuels used in the production of heat and electricity are wheat, oat, and barley straw corn stover and wood chips from forest residual and wood industry. The focus of this study was to estimate sustainably removable residue from wheat straw, corn stover and forest in Croatian counties and how much energy can be produced in counties. The methodology used for estimating wheat straw residual is based on minimum straw cover required for soil protection from wind and water erosion and minimum requirements for animal feeding and bedding. For estimating residual from corn technical potential of 30% is used and requirements for soil protection from wind and water erosion was estimated at 50% from all biomass of corn stover. Methodology used for estimating forest residual is based on the assumption that 12% of the total mass of trees cut is forest residual which can be used for production of wood chip. Results of this study indicate an annual average production of over 1.2 million tons of wheat straw and 1.6 million tons of corn stover in Croatia. Technical potential of corn stover is 0.4 million tons and potential of wheat straw is 0.75 million tons. Mass of cut down wood in Croatia is over 5 million cubic meters and technical potential of forest residual is 0.7 million cubic meters.

Corn stover; wheat straw; forest residual; biomass; technical potential; wood chip

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Stefanović, Gordana ; Živković, Nenad



Podaci o skupu

I Konferencija "Održivi razvoj i klimatske promene"



Niš, Srbija

Povezanost rada

Strojarstvo, Poljoprivreda (agronomija), Šumarstvo