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Impact of ICT on competitiveness and innovation in Croatia and business consulting role (CROSBI ID 549824)

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Krakar, Zdravko ; Mađarić, Miroslav Impact of ICT on competitiveness and innovation in Croatia and business consulting role // FEACO European Annual Conference 2008 / Barišić, Anton Florijan (ur.). Dubrovnik: Croatian Association of Management Consultatnts ; Chronos Info, 2008. str. 1-12

Podaci o odgovornosti

Krakar, Zdravko ; Mađarić, Miroslav


Impact of ICT on competitiveness and innovation in Croatia and business consulting role

ICT industry is critical for each country, as a driver of productivity and improved services quality, especially in a public sector, and as a very important industrial sector itself. It is obviously that investments in new ICT in each firm are growing and pushing up productivity, but is necessary to do it in correct way. The question today is not - whether ICT but how and how much ICT. In practice there are presented many mistakes in deciding about ICT. Because of that, investments in ICT are very big business risk. The main goal of this presentation is to get correct view in this field. The following subjects will be shown: parameters and maturity of ICT industry in Croatia, impact of ICT on competitiveness in Croatia, relationship between ICT and innovation and current position of ICT service market and further expectations. The state of ICT industry in Croatia will be discussed – the profile and structure of that market, number of ICT firms, spending in ICT in Croatia, comparison with others, the future outlook and forecasting. Also, there will be explanation of connection between competitiveness - ability of the country or a firm to ensure the sustainable growth of productivity, employment and quality of life under conditions of globalization and technological changes, and ICT. ICT is also powerful driver of business innovations. The rate of ICT innovations through technological changes and the impact of its pivotal role for business performances will be shown. As ICT is developing rapidly and exponentially, new knowledge in transforming its ability into business practice is necessary. Croatian ICT services market is continually maturing. Its profile makes 13 segments and forecast is that each of them will be growing up. The main parameters of Croatian ICT service market will be discussed.

ICT; competitiveness; innovation; consulting

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Barišić, Anton Florijan

Dubrovnik: Croatian Association of Management Consultatnts ; Chronos Info


Podaci o skupu

FEACO Competitiveness, Innovation, Business exelence and Consulting in CSE Europe

pozvano predavanje


Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti