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On the construction of 3D scanner : implementation of multiple phase shift method (CROSBI ID 549994)

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Pribanić, Tomislav ; Kasović, Mario ; Sakas, Georgios On the construction of 3D scanner : implementation of multiple phase shift method // Journal of biomechanics / Huiskes, Rik ; Guilak, Farshid (ur.). 2007. str. S404-S404

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pribanić, Tomislav ; Kasović, Mario ; Sakas, Georgios


On the construction of 3D scanner : implementation of multiple phase shift method

Various 3D reconstructions principles and systems are surely among very popular tools for human movement analyses. This work has focused on projection of multiple phase shifted (MPS) light patterns and reveals straightforward approach to unwrap the so called absolute phase. The simplicity of proposed idea should warrant easy implementation among researches from various fields of expertise, including biomechanics too.

3D scanner; human movement analysis; implementation of multiple phase shift method

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Huiskes, Rik ; Guilak, Farshid

Amsterdam: Elsevier


Podaci o skupu

Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (21 ; 2007)



Taipei, Tajvan; Kina

Povezanost rada

Elektrotehnika, Kliničke medicinske znanosti, Pedagogija
