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Education and globalization processes (CROSBI ID 550038)

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Klapan, Anita ; Zloković, Jasminka ; Vrcelj, Sofija Education and globalization processes // Regionalisierung – Internationalisierung / Sári, Mihály (ur.). Pečuh: Universität Pécs Fakultät für Erwachsenenbildung und Personalentwicklung ; University of Pécs Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development, 2008. str. 144-152

Podaci o odgovornosti

Klapan, Anita ; Zloković, Jasminka ; Vrcelj, Sofija


Education and globalization processes

The paper problematizes the influence of globalization on education with a special review of education in the lifelong learning contest. Globalization processes have touched upon every aspect of life, especially the process of education, i.e. globalization changes are obvious in transformations within economical, technological, social, cultural, educational and political fields. New forms of education encourage many sciences because of the fact that the existing globalization has changed our "cognitive map". The intellectual, cultural and political surroundings that are present nowdays significantly differ from the post-war one in the 1960s: post-war stability, preceded by ideological artefacts such as modernization theory, were based on "stable" principles of scientific epistemologies. The society of today is abandoning old values and is accepting new ones - globalization on one hand, and the individuality of postmodernism, on the other. In new surroundings, lifelong learning acquires new dimensions and meaning for all groups, especially for women who have frequently been excluded from the educational process.

education; lifelong learning; globalization; education of women; family; school

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Sári, Mihály

Pečuh: Universität Pécs Fakultät für Erwachsenenbildung und Personalentwicklung ; University of Pécs Faculty of Adult Education and Human Resources Development


Podaci o skupu

X. Symposium "Geschichte der Erwachsenenbildung in Zentraleuropa" Regionalisierung - Internationalisierung

pozvano predavanje


Pečuh, Mađarska

Povezanost rada
