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The Matrimonial Law of the Muslims of Croatia 1916-41 (CROSBI ID 38640)

Prilog u knjizi | ostalo

Krešić, Mirela The Matrimonial Law of the Muslims of Croatia 1916-41 // Crossing Legal Cultures / Laura Beck Varela, Pablo Gutierrez Vega, Alberto Spinosa (ur.). München: Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2009. str. 365-380

Podaci o odgovornosti

Krešić, Mirela


The Matrimonial Law of the Muslims of Croatia 1916-41

Muslims have been continuously present on the territory of Croatia since the end of the nineteenth century. In 1916, the Croatian Diet passed a law recognizing islam as one of the religions in Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia. The position of Islam remain the same when Croatia became integral part of Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1918-41). But the position of Croatian Muslims with regard to matrimonial law was changed. Until 1921, Muslims were under civil law legislation, i.e. the Austrian General Civil Code (ABGB). Later, jurisdiction over Muslim family matters was transferred to Shari´a courts which judged in accordance with Shari´a law. As a result, a Shari´a court was established in 1935 at Zagreb District Court.

Matrimonial Law, Muslims, Shari´a court

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Podaci o knjizi

Laura Beck Varela, Pablo Gutierrez Vega, Alberto Spinosa

München: Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung



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