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Mechanisms of consultation between Government and NGOs in Croatia (CROSBI ID 551642)

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Vidačak, Igor Mechanisms of consultation between Government and NGOs in Croatia // Regional Conference Social Dialogue and Civil Dialogue – Means of Achieving the Democratic Transition and a Guarantee for Success of the Partnership with the EU and the Pre-accession and the Accession Process to the EU Sofija, Bugarska, 25.07.2007-26.07.2007

Podaci o odgovornosti

Vidačak, Igor


Mechanisms of consultation between Government and NGOs in Croatia

Croatia is a specific example of institutionalized NGO-Government cooperation, and this because it walked the path from establishing a centralized NGO liaison office, towards decentralizing the cooperation and delegating some functions of the office to other bodies. This lecture address key mechanisms of consultation between Government and NGOs in Croatia, like Government and Parliament Rules of Procedure, Programme of cooperation between the Government and NGOs and local programmes (charters) of cooperation, Law on access to information, National strategy and Action plan – setting concrete measure for improving consultation standards.

NGOs; Croatia; NGO-Government cooperation

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Podaci o skupu

Regional Conference Social Dialogue and Civil Dialogue – Means of Achieving the Democratic Transition and a Guarantee for Success of the Partnership with the EU and the Pre-accession and the Accession Process to the EU



Sofija, Bugarska

Povezanost rada

Ekonomija, Pravo, Politologija