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Standards for Public Funding of NGOs in Croatia (CROSBI ID 551649)

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Vidačak, Igor Standards for Public Funding of NGOs in Croatia // Inertnational Conference: Public Funding of NGOs Bukurešt, Rumunjska, 13.09.2007-14.09.2007

Podaci o odgovornosti

Vidačak, Igor


Standards for Public Funding of NGOs in Croatia

The Croatian Office for Cooperation with NGOs is monitoring, in accordance with its responsibilities, the system of financing of civil society organizations from the State Budget and from part of the revenue of the games of chance, coordination of work of state and local administrative bodies concerning the improvement of cooperation with non-governmental, non-profit sector in the Republic of Croatia and encouraging implementation of the National Strategy for the Creation of an Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development from 2006 to 2011. This lecture addresses the Croatian system of funding of NGOs.

NGOs; Croatia; Public funding

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Inertnational Conference: Public Funding of NGOs



Bukurešt, Rumunjska

Povezanost rada

Pravo, Politologija