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Some Remarks on Responsibility of International Organizations (CROSBI ID 39075)

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Lapaš, Davorin ; Rusan, Rutvica Some Remarks on Responsibility of International Organizations // Contemporary Legal and Economic Issues II / Barković, Ivana ; Lulić, Mira (ur.). Osijek: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2009. str. 33-64

Podaci o odgovornosti

Lapaš, Davorin ; Rusan, Rutvica


Some Remarks on Responsibility of International Organizations

The International Law Commission (ILC) at its fifty-second session in 2000, decided to include the topic “ Responsibility of international organizations” in its long-term program of work. The ILC Draft articles made so far have been based on the analogous solutions contained in the Draft articles on “ Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts” which had been adopted by the ILC in 2005 and submitted to the United Nations General Assembly. Although such an analogy sometimes could raise the question of applicability of the same rule to both, States and international organizations, there is no doubt that international organizations are capable, just like States, not only to breach international law (i.e. to commit an internationally wrongful act – i.e. ex delicto), but also to cause the damage to another international person, even when such a damage arises from an activity not prohibited by international law (i.e. sine delicto). For this reason, the paper tries to analyze some results of the ILC work on the topic of Responsibility of international organizations for internationally wrongful acts until the end of 2008, but in the same time to call attention to some additional issues related to it, such as the possibility of analogous international legal regulation of the liability of these organizations for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law.

international organizations, international responsibility, international liability, International Law Commission

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Barković, Ivana ; Lulić, Mira

Osijek: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku



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