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What Does the "War against Terrorism" Tell Us about the Contemporary Concept of International Legal Personality? (CROSBI ID 39087)

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Lapaš, Davorin What Does the "War against Terrorism" Tell Us about the Contemporary Concept of International Legal Personality? // International Terrorism: The Future Unchained? / Becker, Steven W. ; Derenčinović, Davor (ur.). Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008. str. 115-132

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Lapaš, Davorin


What Does the "War against Terrorism" Tell Us about the Contemporary Concept of International Legal Personality?

The paper deals with the problem of so called “ war against terrorism” and its influence on the broadening of the concept of international legal personality. The use of the word “ war” after the 11 September attacks on New York and Washington seems to be omnipresent in political declarations, in world media, but even in the writings of some legal commentators. International legal norms, particularly within the UN legal system, incriminate terrorism as an international criminal act, providing in the same time international responsibility as well as international sanctions for it, targeting not only states accused to support terrorism, but also directly terrorist organizations (e.g. Al-Qaida) and their members.// This being so, these organizations become not only submitted to international primary norms which incriminates terrorism, but also to international secondary norms providing the international responsibility for such an international criminal act as well as the sanctions for it. Thereby, these organizations acquire some kind of international legal capacity which leads them to international legal personality.

“ war against terrorism” , international legal personality, terrorist organizations, use of force

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Podaci o knjizi

Becker, Steven W. ; Derenčinović, Davor

Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu



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