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Herbicide atrazine inhibits reproductive processes at the rat adenohypophysial level (CROSBI ID 464014)

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Kniewald, Zlatko ; Tomljenović, Andrea ; Jakominić, Mihela ; Ježek, Davor ; Kniewald, Jasna Herbicide atrazine inhibits reproductive processes at the rat adenohypophysial level // 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction Biology of Reproduction, Volume 56, Suppl. 1, 1997 / Niswender, Gordon D. (ur.). Madison (WI): Society for the Study of Reproduction, 1997. str. 161-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kniewald, Zlatko ; Tomljenović, Andrea ; Jakominić, Mihela ; Ježek, Davor ; Kniewald, Jasna


Herbicide atrazine inhibits reproductive processes at the rat adenohypophysial level

Atrazine (A) is a hormonally competitive compound that induces sterility. To evaluate the mode of action of A we examined the appearance of cells immunoreactive for LH and FSH in the rat adenohypophysial (AH) level before and after the treatment period. In the present study A in corn oil was administered to 90 days old rats intraperitoneously at 120 mg/kg/daily/seven days for females and 120 mg/kg/each 72 h/60 days for males. Exposure of rats of both sexes to A, induced sterility at females expressed in the permanent diestrous phase and at males in the significant changes of spermatogenesis as detected by electron microscopy. The presence of AH cells immunoreactive for LH and FSH has been performed on 6 microM sections stained by the avidin-biotin-peroxydase complex method, counterstained with hematoxylin. Cells with visible nuclei that stained for the hormone were counted with an image analysis. Electron microscopy of testis tissue has been made on 0.1 microM sections. A-males have decreased the number of immunoreactive cells for LH 17%, while for FSH 24% vs. control. Percentage of FSH cells at AH level is higher than of LH (p<0.05) at diestrous phase vs. estrous and proestrous. A-females have the same percentage of cells immunoreactive for FSH and LH in the AH as controls in diestrous. We can assume that LHRH from hypothalamus stimulates within AH synthesis of FSH more than LH and that the increased FSH is responsable for the absence of cycle in the female rats. At A-males vs. controls the increase of FSH cells was 19% (p<0.05). It could be a reason for the failure in spermatogenesis. The examined reproductive processes are reversible and restored 15 days after the termination of treatment in females or 45 days in males.

atrazine; male and female rat; pituitary; testis; ovarian cycle; LH; FSH

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Niswender, Gordon D.

Madison (WI): Society for the Study of Reproduction

Podaci o skupu

30th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction



Portland (OR), Sjedinjene Američke Države

Povezanost rada

Prehrambena tehnologija