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Effects of atrazine on the reproductive tissues in rats (CROSBI ID 464015)

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Tomljenović, Andrea ; Spaventi, Radan ; Kniewald, Zlatko Effects of atrazine on the reproductive tissues in rats // Proceedings of Workshop on Reproductive Toxicology / del Mazo, Jesus (ur.). Granada: Scientific Committee of the Workshop on Reproductive Toxicology, 1997. str. 79-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Tomljenović, Andrea ; Spaventi, Radan ; Kniewald, Zlatko


Effects of atrazine on the reproductive tissues in rats

The aim of the study is to evaluate the changes in tissues involved in production of peptide and steroid hormones regulated by feedback mechanisms in the rats. Reproduction is a complex process dependent on hormonal homeostasis.Exogenous compound may interfere biochemical processes and influence gonadotropic mechanism. Atrazine is shown to be responsible for serious failures involved in reproductive processes. It has low toxicity, but its persistance in soil and water and possible bioaccumulation in different tissues is present. Male rats were treated with 120 mg/kg b.w. of atrazine intraperitoneously during 60 days twice a week. Female rats were given the same dose during 10 days every day. Vaginal smears were taken daily. Tissue samples were prepared for light and electron microscopy. For light microscopy the tissues were fixed in Bouin"s solution, dehydrated and embedded in paraplast. The blocks were sectioned and stained with Harris hemalaun and eosin. The immunohistochemistry was performed with DAKO LSAB"2 Kit, Peroxydase for use on Rat Specimens. For electron microscopy the tissues were fixed in 4% glutaraldehyde, and postfixed in osmium tetroxide, dehydrated, rinsed in propylene oxide and embedded in Durcopan. Ultrathin (0.6 micrometer) sections were mounted on copper grids, contrasted with lead citrate and uranyl acetate and examined by transmission electron microscope. The results show structural and functional changes in both male and female rats caused by atrazine. Female rats lack the ovulation characterized by prolonged diestrous phase. In the ovary, degeneration of follicular cells and follicular athresia is found. In the seminiferous tubules of male rats late and early spermatids were disorganised and the number of spermatids was reduced. In the anterior pituitary there was not structural but quantitative changes. The correlation between FSH and LH production cells was changed in both male and female rats. We conclude that, for the reproduction and ecosystem homeostasis atrazine could be a serious threat.

atrazine; male and female rats; reproductive tissues

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

del Mazo, Jesus

Granada: Scientific Committee of the Workshop on Reproductive Toxicology

Podaci o skupu

Workshop on Reproductive Toxicology



Granada, Španjolska

Povezanost rada

Prehrambena tehnologija