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Multilingualism in Croatian Law Articles (CROSBI ID 39372)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Sočanac, Lelija Multilingualism in Croatian Law Articles // Legal Discourse across Languages and Cultures / Gotti, Maurizio ; Williams, Christopher (ur.). Berlin : Bern : Brisel : New York : Oxford : Varšava : Beč: Peter Lang, 2010. str. 109-131

Podaci o odgovornosti

Sočanac, Lelija


Multilingualism in Croatian Law Articles

Influences of different legal cultures can be shown to change over a certain period of time. Foreign influences on national legal science can be shown by analyzing loanwords and citations in foreign languages using statistical methods (Mattila 2006). This paper presents results of the research based on a corpus of Croatian legal texts , mainly articles published in Croatian law periodicals in 1950's, 1990's and today. The diachronic perspective offers an overview of different political and legal systems in Croatia in the past sixty years, from the Yugoslav Communist period, the war of independence in 1990's, to recent trends of globalization and internationalization of law. By dividing citations and loanwords into groups according to various languages, we shall try to identify which foreign legal cultures have influenced national legal thinking and, indirectly, the legal system of Croatia in the periods under consideration.

multilingualism, Croatian, law

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Podaci o knjizi

Gotti, Maurizio ; Williams, Christopher

Berlin : Bern : Brisel : New York : Oxford : Varšava : Beč: Peter Lang



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