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The Role of Political Parties in Minority Participation in Croatia (CROSBI ID 39422)

Prilog u knjizi | ostalo

Petričušić, Antonija The Role of Political Parties in Minority Participation in Croatia // Minorities in Political Parties / Bieber, Florian (ur.). Skopje: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Zagreb, 2008. str. 49-86

Podaci o odgovornosti

Petričušić, Antonija


The Role of Political Parties in Minority Participation in Croatia

The paper attempts to answer the following questions: What is the role of Croatian political parties in minority participation in general? Which political options have managed to foster multi-ethnic political profile? Do ethnically based political parties predominantly attract minority electorate, or minority members tend to vote for civil political options? Do national minority electoral provisions, the reserved seats for minority MPs, as well as the special minority electoral unit, raise a risk of intimidation and discrimination? Has political representation been achieved primarily through minority parties at regional and local level? What role the kin states play in formation and maintenance of minority political parties? Are there several minority parties representing a single minority and what room is there for plural views within minority parties? Finally, answering specificities of the Croatian political context, the paper seeks to find out what has been the impact of Serb deputies supporting the HDZ government since 2003 at the local level and whether the minority councils had implications on the representation of minorities at local level?

international framework, democratic transition, legal framework

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Podaci o knjizi

Bieber, Florian

Skopje: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Zagreb



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