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Advanced prepress technologies for flexographic printing (CROSBI ID 552930)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Valdec, Dean ; Vusić, Damir ; Tomiša, Mario Advanced prepress technologies for flexographic printing // Proceeding 12th International conference of printing, design and graphic communication Blaž Baromić / Bolanča, Zdenka (ur.). Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Graphic Arts ; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering, Slovenia ; Ogranak Matice hrvatske Senj ; Pulp and Paper Institute, Ljubljana - Slovenia, 2008. str. 197-199

Podaci o odgovornosti

Valdec, Dean ; Vusić, Damir ; Tomiša, Mario


Advanced prepress technologies for flexographic printing

Summary: A demand on flexible packaging design is to produce packages that catch the consumer’ s attention. One technique, which packaging designers use, is to create a three-dimensional effect by using blends, vignettes or gradients. Reproducing these elements, flexographic printing with conventional screens at high line rulings in the highlight areas or controlling a 10- micron FM dot still requires a number of workarounds. Printers find that producing smooth gradients in the highlight areas and getting enough density in solid/shadow areas with thinner ink films is a great challenge for flexographic printing. This paper will demonstrate how advanced prepress screening technology accomplishes these tasks. These screening technologies utilizes same- size dots in the highlight areas and randomly removes them, provides smaller dots by widening the shoulder and applies a pattern in the surface of the plate, reduces dot gain, and increases solid ink densities.

Flexographic printing ; Prepress ; Screening ; Density ; Packaging

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bolanča, Zdenka

Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Graphic Arts ; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering, Slovenia ; Ogranak Matice hrvatske Senj ; Pulp and Paper Institute, Ljubljana - Slovenia


Podaci o skupu

12th International Conference on Printing, Design and Graphic Communications.



Split, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Grafička tehnologija