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The effect of fungal competition on colonization of soybean by Aspergillus flavus and Trichothecium roseum and on production of aflatoxins (CROSBI ID 553240)

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Duraković, Lejla ; Redžepović, Sulejman ; Orlić, Sandi ; Skelin, Andrea ; Delaš, Frane, Duraković, Senadin The effect of fungal competition on colonization of soybean by Aspergillus flavus and Trichothecium roseum and on production of aflatoxins // Proceedings of 15th International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology / Nagy, K. ; Marialigeti, K. (ur.). Budimpešta: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2007. str. 26-27

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Duraković, Lejla ; Redžepović, Sulejman ; Orlić, Sandi ; Skelin, Andrea ; Delaš, Frane, Duraković, Senadin


The effect of fungal competition on colonization of soybean by Aspergillus flavus and Trichothecium roseum and on production of aflatoxins

The relationship between mould biomass and the biosynthesis of aflatoxion B1 and total aflatoxins on solid substrates (whole and crushed soybeans) at tempetratures from 20-40 oC and water content in substrate of 15-38 % has been investigated.The experiments have been carried out with the aflatoxigenous mould A. flavus ATCC 26949 in pure culture and in mixed culture respectively, the latter with the common mould T. roseum ZMPBF 1226. The biomass growth during cultivation was measured by the chitin content, and the concentration of aflatoxins was determined by HPLC method using a Varian instrument with fluorescenece detector.It has been established that the biosynthesis of examined aflatoxins and their ratio primarily depend on the temperature of cultivation, rather than on the growth of the mycelium. The biomass of the mixed culture of A. flavus and T. roseum after 56 dads of cultivation reduces the amount of AFB1 by 25-60 % and the amount of AFT by 30-75 %. The decrease of investigated toxins concentrations is more pronounced in the substrate with a higher initial water content and a higher temperature of cultivation. The biomass of the pure culture of A. flavus after 56 days of cultivation reduces the amount of AFB1 by 15-35 % and the amount of AFT by 20-45 % at the same parameters of mould growth and water content in the substrate.

Fungal competiotion; sybean; A. flavus; T. roseum; aflatoxins; total aflatoxins

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Nagy, K. ; Marialigeti, K.

Budimpešta: Akadémiai Kiadó

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15th international congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology



Budimpešta, Mađarska

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