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Circular Quartics in Isptropic Plane Generatied by Projectively Linked Pencils of Conics (CROSBI ID 553721)

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Jurkin, Ema Circular Quartics in Isptropic Plane Generatied by Projectively Linked Pencils of Conics // Conference on Geometry Theory and Aplications Book of Abstracts / Bastl, B., Lavička, M. (ur.). Plzeň, 2009. str. 44-44

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Jurkin, Ema


Circular Quartics in Isptropic Plane Generatied by Projectively Linked Pencils of Conics

A curve in an isotropic plane is circular if it passes through the absolute point. Its degree of circularity is defined as the number of its intersection points with the absolute line falling into the absolute point. A curve of order four can be obtained as the locus of the intersections of corresponding conics of projectively linked pencils of conics. The conditions that the pencils and the projectivity have to fulfill in order to obtained a circular quartic of a certain type are determined analytically. The quartics of all degrees of circularity and all types are constructed using these results.

circular quatric; projectivity; pencil of conics; isotropic plane

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bastl, B., Lavička, M.



Podaci o skupu

Conference on Geometry: Theory and Aplications



Plzeň, Češka Republika

Povezanost rada
