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Ethno-Mobilisation and its Consequences in Croatia (CROSBI ID 154761)

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Petričušić, Antonija Ethno-Mobilisation and its Consequences in Croatia // Southeastern Europe, 35 (2011), 1; 39-61

Podaci o odgovornosti

Petričušić, Antonija


Ethno-Mobilisation and its Consequences in Croatia

The paper pursues the explanation that political leaders in Croatia and Serbia at the beginning of 1990s used different and sometimes conflicting historical narratives of the two biggest ethnic groups in Croatia (Croats and Serbs), manipulating those conflicting narratives and constructing nationalistic discourse in order to (re)-assure their power position. At the outset, the paper attempts to explain the term ethno-mobilisation. In the following part the paper deals with the actors and means of ethno-mobilisation that was taking place in Croatia. In the third part the paper elaborates on the consequences of such ethno-mobilization policies. The paper finally underlines that in spite of the quite advanced minority legislation that emerged in early 1990s, realization of the rights of minorities, particularly Serbs, was often hindered by unjust bureaucratic processes and the absence of political will.

ethno-mobilisation; ethnicity; nationalism; collapse of the Yugoslav federation; war in Croatia; Serb minority; minority rights; human rights

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Povezanost rada

Pravo, Politologija, Sociologija
