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Preliminary research of sows’ udder hygiene on teats’ bacterial reduction (CROSBI ID 554346)

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Pavičić, Željko ; Ostović, Mario ; Tofant, Alenka ; Ekert Kabalin, Anamaria ; Balenović, Tomislav ; Menčik, Sven Preliminary research of sows’ udder hygiene on teats’ bacterial reduction // Proceedings of the XIV ISAH Congress 2009 / Briese, Andreas ; Clauß, Marcus ; Hartung, Jörg et al. (ur.). Brno: Tribun EU, 2009. str. 957-960

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pavičić, Željko ; Ostović, Mario ; Tofant, Alenka ; Ekert Kabalin, Anamaria ; Balenović, Tomislav ; Menčik, Sven


Preliminary research of sows’ udder hygiene on teats’ bacterial reduction

Research was conducted in order to determine efficiency of sows’ udder sanitation concerning reduction of bacteria, which enter through contaminated teats in piglets’ organism. The research was carried out in farrowing pen with 90 sows, which were separated into three equal groups. The first group, control, was not treated. In the second group sows’ udders were treated with water and in the third group with healthy and ecologically acceptable commercial antiseptic Oxyl® ; with powerful oxidising bactericidal activity. During the period of 24 days microbiologic purity of the teats was determined by the method of swab before and after teat treatment, and cultivation on nutrient media. Samples were analysed for presence of mesophilic aerobic bacteria which were expressed as their total number per cm 2 (CFU/cm2) of teat. Study results showed in both treated groups, compared to the control, significantly reduced number of bacteria. Besides, significantly lower bacteria number was determined in the third group treated with antiseptic, compared to the second group, treated only with water. Accordingly, everyday use of udder sanitation, which is commonly component of ruminants’ milking hygiene, could also significantly reduce sows’ teat bacterial contamination and consequently entering excessive bacteria in the piglets’ alimentary system. The following researches should provide the evidence if there exists connection between udder sanitation, reduced number of bacteria as potential causes of piglets’ alimentary diseases, and diseases’ appearance.

sows; teat; hygiene; aerobic mesophilic bacteria; piglets

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Briese, Andreas ; Clauß, Marcus ; Hartung, Jörg ; Springorum, Annette

Brno: Tribun EU


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