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Influence of birth weight on blood metabolites in piglets during suckling period (CROSBI ID 554924)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Ekert Kabalin, Anamaria ; Balenović, Tomislav ; Pavičić, Željko ; Menčik, Sven Influence of birth weight on blood metabolites in piglets during suckling period // Proceedings of the 20th International Pig Veterinary Science (IPVS) Congress ; Vol. 2 / Koller, M. ; Schwarz, C. ; Troxler, J. et al. (ur.). Durban, 2008. str. 433-433

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ekert Kabalin, Anamaria ; Balenović, Tomislav ; Pavičić, Željko ; Menčik, Sven


Influence of birth weight on blood metabolites in piglets during suckling period

In contemporary pig production the most significant piglet losses, regarding health and profitability, occur during suckling and post-weaning period (1). Influence of birth mass on weight gain and losses during this first phase of breeding is very significant (8). Within piglets lighter than 1000 g more of 11% are stillborn and further 17% die during the first 24 hours (2). Furthermore, such piglets are more susceptible to diseases and negative influences of stress factors, have poorest production parameters and heaviest losses. In literature is known that piglets at birth are neurologically relatively mature, but physiologically immature, especially considering gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis (9). Hence, the average values mentioned by other authors represent a broad range, especially on the first day of life. The aim of this study was to determine kinetics of blood metabolites in piglets with small and normal birth weight.

birth mass; piglets; preweaning period; serum metabolites

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Koller, M. ; Schwarz, C. ; Troxler, J. ; Baumgartner, J.



Podaci o skupu

International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (20 ; 2008)



Durban, Južnoafrička Republika

Povezanost rada

Veterinarska medicina