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Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures (CROSBI ID 555558)

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Brnić, Josip ; Čanađija, Marko ; Turkalj, Goran ; Lanc, Domagoj ; Vukelić, Goran ; Brčić, Marino Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures // Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku (HDM), 2009. str. CD-ROM-x

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Brnić, Josip ; Čanađija, Marko ; Turkalj, Goran ; Lanc, Domagoj ; Vukelić, Goran ; Brčić, Marino


Response of structural steel subjected to uniaxial stress at lowered and elevated temperatures

Response of structural steel ASTM A709 Gr50 at lowered and elevated temperatures was considered. In that way, mechanical properties, like ultimate tensile strength and 0.2 offset yield strength at some levels for both mentioned temperatures were experimentally obtained and presented as engineering diagrams. Also, curves dependences of ultimate tensile strength and 0.2 offset yield strength versus lowered and elevated temperatures were presented. Short-time creep tests for selected constant stress at selected temperatures were carried out. Experimental tests were performed according to the appropriate standards. Based on rheological model, uniaxial creep respons for selected creep test was modeled using the rheological model. All of experimental investigations were performed using modern computer directed experimental system in Laboratory for Structural Strength Testing of Department of Engineering Mechanics of Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka.

ASTM A709 steel; elevated temperatures; mechanical properties; creep test; creep behavior simulation

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Smojver, Ivica ; Sorić, Jurica

Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku (HDM)


Podaci o skupu

6th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Strojarstvo, Temeljne tehničke znanosti