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Influence of extraction type on the total phenolics, total flavonoids and total color change from five varieties of figs (CROSBI ID 555639)

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Jokić, Stela ; Mujić, Ibrahim ; Prgomet, Željko ; Bucić-Kojić, Ana ; Velić, Darko ; Bilić, Mate ; Lukinac, Jasmina ; Planinić, Mirela Influence of extraction type on the total phenolics, total flavonoids and total color change from five varieties of figs // Book of abstracts - The Fourth International Symposium on Fig. 2009. str. 113-x

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Jokić, Stela ; Mujić, Ibrahim ; Prgomet, Željko ; Bucić-Kojić, Ana ; Velić, Darko ; Bilić, Mate ; Lukinac, Jasmina ; Planinić, Mirela


Influence of extraction type on the total phenolics, total flavonoids and total color change from five varieties of figs

The study examined the influence of ultrasound- assisted extraction and solid-liquid extraction with 80% of aqueous ethanol on the total phenolics, total flavonoids and total color change of extracts from five different varieties of figs (Bjelica, Termenjača, Crnica, Bružetka bijela and Šaraguja). The total phenolic content was determined by using Foilin Ciocalteau assay. The content of total flavonoids was measured spectrophotometrically by using the aluminium chloride colorimetric assay. Color changes were obtained by chromameter CR-400 (Minolta) in L*a*b* color model. Ultrasound-assisted extraction showed highest total phenolic content (up to 13.72%) and total flavonoid content (up to 18.55%) compared to classic solid-liquid extraction. According to given results total color changes of extracts were reduced (up to 32.1%) applying ultrasound. Significant difference was found between total phenolic and total flavonoid content according to different varieties of fig.

extraction; phenolics; flavonoids; fig; color

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The Fourth International Symposium on Fig



Meknès, Maroko

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Prehrambena tehnologija